Thursday, 28 June 2012

Scroling Menu

Step 1: Insert the following style sheet to the HEAD section of your page:

Step 2: Add the below HTML  to the body of your page.

Step 3: Download Folowing Image and save it into same Folder.

1.Right Click on the image

2.Save Image As....


You can have multiple menus on the same page.


Friday, 22 June 2012

Hover Menu

Step 1: Insert the following style sheet to the HEAD section of your page:

Step 2: Add the below HTML  to the body of your page.

You can have multiple menus on the same page.

To download click on above link and wait 5 Seconds and click on

SuB mEnU

EFECTS (2) GAMES (4) HTML (9) Menu (2) SLIDE (1)